The aim of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of administrative and legal regulation of the activities of business entities during quarantine and to consider possible directions of improvement of such regulation.
Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is modern general scientific and special legal methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The formal and logical method determines the importance of administrative and legal regulation of the activities of economic entities during quarantine. Formal and legal method allowed analyzing the current legislative and other normative-legal acts concerning administrative and legal regulation of activity of economic entities during quarantine. The structural and logical, comparative and legal methods outline the main directions of improving of implementation the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of economic entities during quarantine.
Results. Attention is drawn to the fact that business entities are limited in their actions due to the introduction of quarantine and emergency regime in Ukraine. The article analyzes the legislative and other legal acts adopted to prevent the spread in Ukraine of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which regulate the activities of business entities. It is noted that the Government of the State, taking into account the important role of economic entities in the economy of the country, makes prudent measures to support them during quarantine. However, there are certain conditions under which business entities face problems that need to be addressed, primarily at the legislative level.
Conclusions. The article indicates the expediency of amending the current legislation to harmonize it in connection with the adoption of a number of regulatory acts aimed at preventing the spread of acute COVID-19 respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Ukraine and use in the legislation of different terminology related to COVID-19.
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