• Svitlana Bevz National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Keywords: legislation, legislative, economic legal personality of the state, powers of the state, principles of state regulatory policy, systematization of legislation


The aim of this article is to consider the regulatory framework of state governance and management of economic activity in Ukraine the notion of relevant framework, the nature of the relations that such framework applies its effectiveness.

The methods of formal logic are used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, generalization. The author analyzes the notion of “legislative” and “framework”, based on she synthesizes and generalizes her own vision of the concepts of “legislative framework” and “regulatory framework”. Relationship about state governance and management of economic activity is delimited deductively. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the regulatory framework of the relevant direction of State’s activities with applying induction. The view expressed that the legislative framework should be included only laws of Ukraine and international agreements ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the consent of which is binding on the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Results and conclusions. It is emphasized on the need to delimit the terms “regulatory framework”, “legislative framework”, “law framework”. The ratio of the latter two concepts can be determined by analogy between the concepts of “system of legislation” and “system of law”.

The author draws attention to the fact that the principle of the definition of the range of relations covered by the regulatory framework for state governance and management of economic activity is the understanding of the subject of such activity – the state, which is endowed with both powers of authority and economic legal personality. At first case, it is state governance, at second – state management. Therefore, the relevant regulatory framework unites sources that determine the rules of conduct for the state – the subject of power and the state – a subject with economic legal personality.

It was also emphasized that the quality of the regulatory framework of state governance and management of economic activity in Ukraine depends on the proper implementation of the state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity, primarily the principles of the relevant policy. They defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity”: expediency, adequacy, efficiency, balance, predictability and take into account of public opinion.

The latter may serve as criteria for regulatory acts in the field of economic activity, the discrepancy with them is indicates the poor quality of such legal act and the inexpediency of acceptance. At the same time, the quality of regulatory acts indicates the level of state regulatory policy as a whole, and their application effectiveness of state governance of economic activities.

The author made a conclusion that in order to eradicate the practice of adopting regulatory acts on the same issues, relevant legislation should be primarily incorporated with subsequent codification. Those regulatory acts that management economic, in particular, organizational and economic relations, shall be codified within the Economic Code of Ukraine, those acts that govern administrative relations – in a special law and future Code of Administrative Procedures.


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How to Cite
Bevz, S. (2019). ON THE ISSUE OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR STATE GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UKRAINE. Administrative Law and Process, (2(25), 16-27. https://doi.org/10.17721/2227-796X.2019.2.02
Special administrative law