The legal nature of administrative acts

  • Tetiana Yashchenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: administrative act, public administration, forms of public administration activity, public administration reform, administrative procedure


This article intends to underscore the legal essence of administrative acts and to provide separate specific recommendations to fill the existing lacks in the effective legislation of Ukraine. Absence of the unified definition and understanding of administrative acts within the doctrine of administrative law. The essential features, scope of regulation differs from country to country leading to differences in legal procedures thereof. There is no effective Law related to the procedure of adoption of, amendments to and cancellation of administrative acts of public administration in Ukraine. Moreover, there is no agreed position on the sole meaning of administrative act among national scientist.

The article reflects the analyses of the terms used in different countries to name and describe the acts of public administration. Most of them use the term “administrative act” that is related to acts, adopted by public administration in accordance with legally proscribed procedure within the competence of public administration bodies and (the most important) are directed to creation of special legal effect for “outsiders” (private entities) — origination, alteration or cancellation of rights and or duties. However, there was absolutely different understandings and use of the same term within Ukrainian administrative researches and practice: a result of exercising executive authorities of the governmental bodies was recognized as administrative act.


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How to Cite
Yashchenko, T. (2019). The legal nature of administrative acts. Administrative Law and Process, (1(15), 29-41. Retrieved from
General administrative law