Licensing in energy sector of Ukraine in terms of providing independence of the energy regulator

  • Yuliia Vashchenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: licensing, licensing procedure, licensing power, licensing conditions, energy regulation, energy regulator


The article explores legal issues of licensing of activity in the energy sector of Ukraine in terms of providing independence of the Energy Regulator – National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission. Based on the analysis of the theoretical approaches and the legislation of Ukraine the recommendations on the
enhancement of the legislation of Ukraine on licensing powers of the Energy Regulator have been developed. The new Law on Licensing of Types of Economic Activities was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on March 2, 2015. Several confl icts of laws have arisen due to new changes. In particular, there are different provisions on the development and approval procedure of licensing conditions in the new Law on Licensing and in Laws that regulate relations in
certain energy sectors. It is concluded that the new legislative requirements restrict the independence of the energy regulator
in Ukraine in part of its licensing powers.

Based on the analysis conducted it is recommended to stipulate the list of licensing powers of the energy regulator in the Law on National Regulatory Commissions (suggested to be developed). In particular, the powers to develop and approve the licensing conditions should be granted to the energy regulator. Moreover, in order to encourage the independence of the energy regulator it is necessary to exclude the requirement on the consideration of the licensing conditions and licensing regulations of the energy regulator with the special authorized licensing body, as well as the provisions on supervision powers of this body in relation to the licensing powers of the energy regulator from the new Law on Licensing.


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How to Cite
Vashchenko, Y. (2019). Licensing in energy sector of Ukraine in terms of providing independence of the energy regulator. Administrative Law and Process, (3(13), 93-100. Retrieved from
Special administrative law