• Olha Perunova Human Rights Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Keywords: sexual offenses, gender equality, administrative offense, legislative changes, offense elements.


The article examines current issues of legal regulation of sexual harassment and their differences from other sexual offenses. It analyzes legal aspects, factors, contexts, and consequences for victims, as well as approaches to legal responsibility and prevention of such offenses. Special attention is paid to the need for the development of specific legislation that takes into account the specifics of sexual harassment. The purpose of the study is to identify the key differences between sexual harassment and other sexual offenses, as well as to develop recommendations for improving legal regulation and protecting victims. The study is aimed at analyzing existing legal norms, identifying problematic aspects, and formulating proposals for improving the situation. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of normative legal acts, scientific publications, and the comparative legal method. Results. It has been found that sexual harassment differs from other sexual offenses not only in the form of expression but also in motivational factors, contexts of occurrence, and consequences for victims, as well as the object and objective side of the offense. The shortcomings and gaps in Ukrainian legislation in the studied area have been identified. Proposals for improving the legal regulation of sexual harassment have been developed. Conclusions: – sexual harassment, unlike other sexual offenses, does not always include physical violence or coercion. Additionally, this offense differs in its object and objective side; – there is a need for the development of specific legislation that takes into account the specifics of sexual harassment and ensures effective protection of victims’ rights; – the adoption of a new provision in the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for liability for sexual harassment, is an important step in protecting human rights and strengthening the legal system of Ukraine; – it is necessary to continue developing and improving legislation aimed at combating all forms of sexual offenses, as well as conducting educational and informational campaigns to raise awareness of these issues.


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How to Cite
Perunova, O. (2024). DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND OTHER SEXUAL OFFENSES. Administrative Law and Process, (3), 21-31. https://doi.org/10.17721/2227-796X.2024.3.02
Legal practice in the field of administrative process and law