Purpose. Child protection plays a significant role in the functioning of the prosecutor’s office, particularly in the representation of state interests in the field of child protection. Fair, impartial and timely resolution of disputes in the field of public law relations by the court in order to effectively protect the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals from violations by public authorities is, in turn, the task of administrative proceedings. This article aims is to examine the legal nature of administrative property and non-property claims, binding claims in relation in the area of child protection, and their correlation with non-property claims. Methods. The article employs a scientific methodology for legal research, including systemic-structural, comparative-legal, generalization, dialectic, analysis, and synthesis methods. Results. This study examines the practice of administrative claims by prosecutors and their corresponding statistical data. The categories of administrative claims are grouped, and the article explores the concept of administrative property and non-property claims. It is also examining binding claims in the field of the child protection. Provides examples of property claims, binding claims, claims with material component in the field of the child protection. Finally, the study examines legislative shortcomings. Conclusions. The unique focus on children, their rights, freedoms, interests, and state interests, as well as the corresponding subject of the claim, determine the features of the prosecutor’s office’s function for representation of state interests in the field of child protection. The analysis of legislation reveals the lack of administrative property and non-property claims, binding claims, and claim pricing. To establish a clear differentiation between property and non-property claims, at this stage of the study it is proposed to enhance the current legislation. This legislative will enable claims to be made in accordance with substantive and procedural legal norms. This, in turn, will increase the effectiveness of the representation function in the field of child protection in the administrative procedures.
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