• Prof. Mgr. Yuliia Vashchenko Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Doc. Mgr. Liudmyla Golovko Comenius University in Bratislava
Keywords: public administration entities, administrative procedures, decentralization, land management, land cadaster


Purpose. This paper aims at the analysis of the organizational and legal issues of the system of land public administration in Ukraine and elaboration of possible solutions for its further development. Methods. The dialectic method was used in order to analyze the development of the system of public administration in the field of land relations in Ukraine. The method of systematic and structural analysis was used for the characteristics of the elements of the system of public administration in the field of land relations, the distribution of powers between them, and their governmental ties. Modern theoretical approaches to the system of public administration were considered on the basis of the method of critical analysis. Results. In the first part of this paper, the legal and organizational aspects of land public administration in Ukraine have been analysed. The necessity of improvement of powers, in particular, related to land management, have been identified among current problems. The second part of this paper is devoted to the administrative procedures in the field of land relations. The collisions between the general and special laws related to administrative procedures in the field of land relations have been identified among key problems and the case law on this matter has been analyzed. In the third part of the paper the recent trends, challenges in frames of the state of martial law, and solutions have been analyzed. Conclusions. Decentralization and digitalization were considered as the dominate trends in the public governance in the field of land relations. The distribution of powers between central bodies of executive power, as well as between central and local public authorities, the improvement of powers related to the land management, and elimination of the collisions between general and special norms on administrative procedures in the land relations were defined among necessary improvements. During the state of martial law, special mechanisms for land data protection introduced by public administration entities in Ukraine have been considered as important solutions.


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How to Cite
Vashchenko, P. M. Y., & Golovko, D. M. L. (2023). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF LAND RELATIONS IN UKRAINE: TRENDS, CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS. Administrative Law and Process, (2(41), 38-53.
Special administrative law