The goal. The purpose of the article is to determine the issue of protecting the population from theharmful and irritating effects of noise on the street and road networks of settlements and ensuring proper control over the observance of silence in public places and road safety. This article isobliged to highlight the issue of administrative and legal regulation of the use of technical meansby employees of the National Police of Ukraine, regarding the protection of citizens from theharmful effects of the noise of the vehicle exhaust gas emission system.Methods. The article uses the general scientific methodology of conducting legal research,including comparative legal, systemic structural, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction,and other methods of scientific knowledge. Their use made it possible to determine and analyzethe current state of regulatory and legal regulation of the use of technical means of recordingoffenses by the police.Results. The article examines the problems of administrative and legal regulation of the useof technical devices for recording offenses by employees of the National Police of Ukraine.Considered, as an example, the possibility of using technical devices by employees of the NationalPolice of Ukraine to measure the permissible level of external noise (estimate the level of noise orsound by measuring the sound pressure) of vehicles with the help of a ‘noise meter’. The articlestates that the proper legal regulation of the use of technical devices by employees of the NationalPolice of Ukraine to measure and assess the noise level of the exhaust gas emission system ofvehicles is one of the determining conditions for the effectiveness of guaranteeing the right ofUkrainian citizens to protection against noise pollution. It is summarized that the experienceof implementing technical devices shows that the implementation of preventive measures issuccessful when the methods of persuasion are supported by legal norms that establish clearresponsibility for violations of established norms and standards.Conclusions. In order to ensure the legality of the use of technical devices, it is proposed tolegislatively update and provide for the grounds, order and conditions of their use by employeesof the National Police of Ukraine. It should be noted that this should be preceded by extensiveoutreach work among citizens of Ukraine, and primarily among drivers. Therefore, it is desirableto organize explanatory work with the participation of the first leaders of the patrol police ofUkraine in all mass media and social networks. And as a result, all this will encourage the creationof an atmosphere of understanding among drivers, regarding the necessity and legality of the useof devices for measuring the noise level by employees of the National Police of Ukraine.
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