The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the administrative and legal regulation of the activity of historical and cultural reserves in Ukraine as objects of cultural heritage. Methods. The research methodology consists of general and special methods of scientific knowledge, including comparative legal, systemic and structural, analysis, synthesis, and others, which allow a systematic and consistent approach to the disclosure of the questions posed, to investigate and compare the positions of scientists, the provisions of regulatory and legal acts of Ukraine, to formulate the author’s conclusions. The results. The first section of the article analyses approaches to defining the concept and classification of historical and cultural reserves. In the second section of the article, the legal regulation of the creation of a historical and cultural reserve is analysed, the list of documents that must be submitted in order to make a decision on its creation is determined, and the procedural terms for consideration of a request for the creation of a historical and cultural reserve are determined. The third section of the article analyses the legal features of the management of the historical and cultural reserve, defines the tasks and functions of the administration and the head of the historical and cultural reserve. The fourth chapter of the article defines the peculiarities of the activities of historical and cultural reserves in the conditions of the pandemic and martial law. Conclusions. Having analysed a number of legal acts on the administrative-legal regulation of the activity of historical-cultural reserves, it was established that at the administrative-legal level, the activity of historical-cultural reserves as objects of cultural heritage is regulated at a sufficient level. There is an established mechanism of legal regulation of their creation, management, and activity both in normal conditions and in the conditions of a pandemic of the respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and in conditions of martial law. However, a rather complicated procedure (a number of necessary documents, the need to prove the expediency of creating a reserve, problems with financing, etc.) inhibits the creation of historical and cultural reserves.
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