Purpose. The objective of the article is to identify problems related to the regulatory establishment of the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim by suspending the acts (individual acts or normative legal acts) of subjects of imperious plenary powers and suggest ways to solve them. Methods. A special formal-logical method has been applied in order to study the issue f compliance with the requirements of the principle of legal certainty in the normative consolidation of the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim by suspending the acts of the subjects of imperious plenary powers. By means of such general theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization and modelling, legislative errors in establishing a range of the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim have been identified, and suggestions to correct them have been made. Results. The article analyses the provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine in terms of the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim by suspending the acts of the subjects of imperious plenary powers. Based on the analysis of scientific approaches and case law, the issue of whether the administrative court and all the parties of court proceedings (the plaintiff, the defendant, the third parties and the individuals granted by law to appeal to the court in the interests of others) are actual right holders to initiate the issue of securing a claim by suspending the acts of the subjects of imperious plenary powers has been investigated. Conclusions. It has been proven that the legislator, contrary to the principle of legal certainty, does not provide for all the subjects of initiating the issue of securing an administrative claim. It has been noted that there is a collision between the provisions of part 1 and part 2 of art. 150 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine. This collision lies in the fact that part 1 of this article imperatively establishes that the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim are exclusively the parties of court proceedings and the administrative court, whereas part 2 also refers to the subjects of initiating the issue of securing a claim the individual who has not acquired the procedural status of a party of court proceedings (the plaintiff) yet, although may acquire it. It has been substantiated that the legislator, referring the defendant and the third parties who do not declare independent claims regarding the subject of the dispute on the part of the defendant as parties of court proceedings to the subjects of initiating the issue of securing an administrative claim, did not take into account the legal nature of this procedural institution. It has been substantiated that giving the administrative court the right to secure a claim on its own initiative corresponds to the specifics of administrative proceedings. It has been proposed to amend part 1 of art. 150 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine in order to comprehensively consolidate the range of subjects of initiation of the issue of securing a claim, which in turn will improve the procedure for implementing the institution of securing an administrative claim.
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