The scientific article examines the content and essence of the legal qualification of administrative offenses, considers their features, for which there is responsibility in the field of waste management in Ukraine. The issue of qualification, in particular of certain types of offenses, issues of qualification of misdemeanors for which liability is provided in the field of waste management in Ukraine is studied. The aim of the work was to determine the features of qualification and study the practice of registration of materials in bringing to administrative responsibility in the field of waste management in Ukraine. In order to obtain the most reliable scientific results in the writing of the work used a number of general and special legal, theoretical and empirical methods of cognition, supplemented by the principles of dialectics. The use of these methods was mostly complex. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the qualifications of administrative offenses in the field of waste management in Ukraine, which consists in the use of general and special scientific methods due to the specifics of the scientific article. The systematic method was used in the study of conceptual and methodological problems of defining the concepts: "qualification of an administrative offense" and "administrative offense". The formal-legal method was used to clarify the content of certain legal concepts. With regard to the results of the study, the article, based on the analysis of scientific views, considers the concepts and features of the qualification of administrative offenses in the field of waste management in Ukraine. It is determined that the qualification of acts as an administrative offense in the field of waste management in Ukraine is a comprehensive analysis of the content of the General and Special Parts of the Code of Administrative Offenses or other articles of administrative tort law thus correlate general and special offenses. Also, a study of administrative and legal qualifications in the field of liability for violations of waste management rules in Ukraine was conducted. Based on the analysis of current legislation and opinions of scientists, it is concluded that the key to the correct application of administrative law in the field of waste management in Ukraine is, first, to fulfill the purpose of administrative penalties in the context of the current Code. In particular, education of a person who has committed an administrative offense in the field of waste management in Ukraine, in the spirit of compliance with the laws of Ukraine, respect for the rules of coexistence and prevention of new offenses by the offender and others. Secondly, observance by bodies (officials) of the rights of persons involved in proceedings on administrative offenses in the field of waste management in Ukraine.
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10. Pro vidkhody : Zakon Ukrainy vid 5.03.1998, № 187/98-VR. URL: (data zvernennia: 09.12.2021)