The article provides an overview and stages of the development of law and legislation on administrative procedures and administrative justice in the Kyrgyz Republic. The article discusses the adoption, implementation, content and the application of the new Law on Administrative Procedure and the Administrative Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. At the beginning, the socio-political background and the rationale for the ongoing judicial reforms and the efforts of the state to strengthen the rule of law in the Kyrgyz Republic are described. A significant part of article considers steps for developing a law on administrative procedures of the Kyrgyz Republic and the problems associated with its development. Then, the content and issues of implementation and the problems of the practical application of the new law on administrative procedures of the Kyrgyz Republic are disclosed. A separate part is devoted to the development, content, implementation and practice of the application of the new Administrative Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. The article also outlines the problems and shortcomings in the practice of applying legal norms on administrative procedures and administrative justice in the Kyrgyz Republic. In general, the article summarizes that a new system of administrative law has been formed in Kyrgyzstan to replace “Soviet” administrative law, but there are still problems in understanding and applying the new administrative legislation: not all the regulatory framework and practice of administrative agencies are brought into line with the new legislation; there are facts of not understanding, ignoring and not applying the new legislation by public authorities; not all curricula of higher legal education are brought in line with a new understanding of administrative law. It is necessary to continue the implementation measures to put into practice the new administrative legislation through organizational measures to educate and train law applicators, as well as the development of judicial practice in administrative cases.
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