Transformation in the Central Asia is seen as regards to move towards the market economy, while democratization – rather in in deficit. Nevertheless author sees new signs in the relations of individuals and the state. While the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan introduced new administrative procedural laws, they are so revolutionary or, to the contrary, meaningless that their application is not yet certain or requires continued effort. Not only government resources valued as scarce but legal and administrative sciences are behind needs.
Findings on administrative and constitutional judiciary presented for Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. In the first state they are rather active, while in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan rather in shadow, while no one in Turkmenistan. The Kyrgyz Republic has recently given its constitutional court control to its Supreme Court.
Public administration in Central Asia author sees as defect, mass media under strict state control, right to a complaint and to a lawsuit as not generally known (kind of exception: Kyrgyz Republic). Presented findings to legal advice and assistance especially in courts valued low or not granted in civil and administrative disputes, legal guarantees of access to justice as uncertain.
“Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI)” are presented and except in accountability of government, rule of law and the control of corruption other points are valued as positive.
Having earlier Russia as a leading example now it qualifies no more, generally there is no modelling for administrative matters and laws. As models author presents sections 9, 10, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28 and some basic principles of the German Federal Administrative Procedure Act.
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