• Pavlo Liutikov Customs Law of the University
Keywords: administrative-legal norm, property, truth, true, demands of social development


The aim is to determine the content and essence of such a property of the norms of administrative law as their truth on the basis of analyzing the opinions of individual legal scholars.

Methods. The validity of the theoretical claims, recommendations for further academic research into the topic, the reliability of the results are ensured by the use of a set of philosophical, general and special scientific methods applied in legal research. The dialectical method of scientific knowledge is used as the main general scien tific method.

Results. It is noted that the truth of the norm of administrative law is a condition for its effectiveness. It is pointed out that the degree of effectiveness of the administrative-legal norm depends on the completeness and accuracy of reflection in it of the material and spiritual social conditions. The more adequately the rules of the administrative law reflect the combination of social and personal interests, the processes of social development, the higher the effectiveness of administrative-legal norms is. Taking into consideration the fact that efficiency is the property of the norm of administrative law, which is based on its truth, the author has assumed that the criterion of such truth will be the degree of effectiveness of the legal norm, and indicators will be specific statistical data, confirming or refuting its effectiveness and, respectively, the truth. The opinion is expressed that the truth of the norms of administrative law, as a an absolutely evaluative category, does not have to imperatively reflect the interests of a particular citizen. This does not mean that in this case the author refuses the principle of the rule of law or interprets it somehow differently than other authoritative scholars. It is suggested when defining the essence of this category to start from identifying if the norm satisfies the needs of social development.

The author has determined the truth of the administrative-legal norm in terms of the initial data, which reveal the social needs at a certain stage of development of society, namely: the level of development of economic and industrial relations, the state of the natural environment and ecology in general, the state of social and political institutions (family, education and science, medicine, judicial and law enforcement systems, public administration system, etc.), the status of an individual in the society and the level of protection of their rights and interests by the state, mentality, consciousness, worldview of the society, etc.

Conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis performed, the author proposes to understand the truth of the norm of administrative law as its property, which characterizes the degree of compliance of the norm with the needs of social development, the full reflection in it of the public relations, regulated by administrative law


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How to Cite
Liutikov, P. (2019). TRUTH OF THE NORM OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW : ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF THE CATEGORY. Administrative Law and Process, (2(25), 5-15.
General administrative law