The customer profile of pre-judicial legal assistance in Poland: statistics and real needs

  • Yuliia Katarzhyna University of Warsaw
Keywords: client, free legal aid, points of legal assistance, legal conflicts, legal clinic


Article tries to answer the following question: can we now talk about a system that provides real access to free legal assistance at the pre-litigation stage? In Poland, for many years, free legal help has been carried out by non-governmental organizations, citizens advice offices, universities legal clinics. Some assistance could also be obtained as part of the social assistance system and, to a very limited extent, even in courts. However, it was not a system, and often based on the kindness and empathy of people working in specific places. Article refers to this kind of free legal help which is provide in Poland under the newest legislation. Starting from January 2016 there have been created more than 1 500 points in which free legal advice can be given to people in need. Personal professional experience of the Author clearly shows that clients who turn for free legal help need much more help and empathy than those who can apply for help to the law firms. Author provides free legal advice – that is run by one of the non-governmental organization, she coordinate work of students in one of the university legal clinics in Poland, and as well conduct research on this subject in the world. Such a perspective allows to formulate conclusions based on professional experience as well as global standards developed in this area.


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How to Cite
Katarzhyna, Y. (2019). The customer profile of pre-judicial legal assistance in Poland: statistics and real needs. Administrative Law and Process, (1(20), 80-87.
Foreign administrative law and process