On the issue of civil right to hold prosecutor post in Ukraine
This article is devoted to the identification of issues that arise in the implementation of reform regulations appoint a person to the post of prosecutor in Ukraine. The necessity of improvement in this area, as this will help to realize the right of citizens for positions of prosecutor in Ukraine. Unresolved and after reforms in the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office remains one more problem: the necessity of performance indicators in the prosecutor’s office, which, in turn, affects a very small proportion of acquittal sentences. At the same time, the performance of indicators is directly associated with bonuses for employees and assessment of their success. It is important that the reform of the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine should result in an effective law-enforcement body that would have respected the community, so it should be systemic. The new staff is an impetus for change, but it is necessary to bring true, honest and loyal workers from such persons, and the best example for them will be the observance of legislation by their leadership, the leadership of the state, the provision of young workers with all the necessary conditions
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