Differences between administrative and labour legal relationships in context of processual problem of public service disputes resolution

  • Illya Kolosov Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Keywords: labour legal relationship, administrative legal relationship, public service, administrative processual norms, labour disputes, public service disputes, processual resolving of case


The subjects of proposed paper are administrative and labour legal relationship itself in field of public service, contemporary experience of administrative processual resolving of cases about entering, passing and it discontinuance, expediency of similarly resolving by administrative process rules. The purpose and aims of survey are maintaining and providing of scientific implication about whatever processual norms are complete to resolving Public Service Cases efficiently and given author’s recommendations about same area.
Methodology of paper bases on so common methods of cognition (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, etc.) as formal jurisprudence method of scientific investigation. Casestudy compare is used in article proposed as a demonstrative method, with purpose to showing the Main Results of survey evidently.
Survey completed with help of scientific methodology instruments permit provides several implications, by doctrine maintained:
1. There are four substantive differences between administrative and labour legal relationship: а) on way of regulation; b) on effects of imperative intervention; c) on regulative significance of local norms; d) on valued-principles’ component of social guaranteeing and securing relationships.
2. The public services on indication of competences given are two-side as legal participants: they are authority’s representatives, from the one hand, and workers (servicemen), the labour law fellows, from other.
3. In case of creation and pass in Ukraine of Labour Processual Code valid regulations of Administrative Processual Code of Ukraine about resolving the cases about entering, passing and it discontinuance of public service by Administrative Courts ought be repealed, and same cases need to put on jurisdiction of Labour Courts according to the labour processual law’ rules.

It allows to relieve Administrative Courts of unusual for their jurisdiction (in substantive reasons) cases, as well as avoid undesirable processual analogy, improving of courts’ defense level of servicemen’ labour rights on expanses of our state. At last, it confirms with specific of labour legal relationship and permits to outline a sharp restriction between administrative and labour law. In same practical implications consist on value and originality of proposed paper.
At same time, for tasks of furthermore differentiation of legal regulation of labour and administrative legal relationships, studying of contemporary criteria of labour and administrative disputes classification, legally-comparative investigations in this field, acquaintance and scientific estimation of international standards in same field may be devoted the further investigations with purpose of scientific resolving of law efficiency problems, at whole.


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How to Cite
Kolosov, I. (2019). Differences between administrative and labour legal relationships in context of processual problem of public service disputes resolution. Administrative Law and Process, (2(21), 85-97. https://doi.org/10.17721/2227-796X.2018.2.09
Administrative process (Administrative legal proceedings)