On the issue of essence and content of the concept of “Public health”

  • Yelyzaveta Belei Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: health, individual health, health of the population, public health, definition of public health, concept of public health, understanding of public health


The subject matter of the study in the article is the peculiarities of the interpretation of the concept of “public health” that follows from the analysis of the materials placed in monographs, abstracts of dissertations, scientific articles, theses of reports of conferences, dictionaries, documents of the World Health Organization, bills, laws of Ukraine, other acts of state authorities of Ukraine, etc. The object of the study is the relationships that stipulate the essence of the concept of “public health”.
The methodology of the research of the topic of the article consists of general and special methods of scientific cognition, including the main methods that are: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, logical and semantic, systemic and structural, comparative and legal, formal and legal, etc.
The objective of the study in the article is to define the concept of “public health”. A number of tasks have been set for its achievement, namely: to get acquainted with the concept of “individual health”; to consider the concept of “health of the population”; to establish the distinction between “health of the population” and “public health”; to offer the author’s vision of the ways to solve problems of understanding the category of “public health”. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that its author: improved understanding of the essence and content of the concept of “public health”; revealed the features of the interpretation of the concepts of “individual health” and “health of the population”; for the first time ever formulated five perspectives for the interpretation of the category of “health of the population” and suggested its (author’s) definition; for the first time ever distinguished
the areas of understanding of the category of “public health” and developed the approach to its correlation with the concept of “health of the population”; for the first time ever offered to distinguish several areas of understanding the concept of “public health”.
In the conclusions the author of the article has summarized that public health is a complex and multidimensional concept, when the understanding of its essence can not be limited to a single definition.
The author has emphasized on the expediency to study public health in different areas, as in the case with other comprehensive legal categories, namely: as the health of a certain part of the population and the object of the activity of the relevant institutions; as a branch
of science; as a sphere of practical activity; as a branch (or sub-branch) of the law. It has been stressed that the choice of the area, where public health is to be considered, influences
on the definition of its characteristic features and the formulation of its definition and depends on the objective of the study. It has been offered to consider public health in the measurement of the sphere of practical (public and management) activity carried out
in the field of health protection of the population; in cases of studying administrative and legal provision of public administration activities in the field of public health. The author has stated the necessity of activation of further scientific developments in the field of public health, including the areas of studying the right of public health, its system and sources, subjects of public health protection, procedures of public and managerial activity carried out in the field of health protection of the population.


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How to Cite
Belei, Y. (2019). On the issue of essence and content of the concept of “Public health”. Administrative Law and Process, (2(21), 62-74. https://doi.org/10.17721/2227-796X.2018.2.07
Special administrative law