State regulation of activities of electronic trust services provider of as a party to legal relations in the field of electronic identification

  • Nazar Bilotserkovets Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: electronic trust services, provider of electronic trust services, electronic identification, electronic signature


The purpose of this article is to determine the legal status of entities that provide not only digital signature services but also other electronic trust services by examining their rights, obligations and legal responsibility. Special attention is paid to state regulation of their activities as well as their administrative liability. This article is based on researches made by French and Belgian scientists as well as Russian and Ukrainian researches.
The author used methods of comparative law, historical method, method of induction, system- structural method, formal-logical method and other methods of scientific research. Rights, obligations and responsibility of electronic trust services providers are considered in this article. Special attention is payed to the analysis of, differences between the legal status of qualified and non-qualified providers. The author proposed classification of parties of legal relations in the field of electronic identification and electronic trust services.
The author explains why regulatory measures are mostly applied to qualified providers rather than non-qualified. Advantages of using services provided by qualified providers, in particular several presumptions are considered. Results of the research may be used in judicial proceedings where electronic documents are examined. Moreover, it can be used while drafting government rules and regulations in the field of electronic trust services.


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How to Cite
Bilotserkovets, N. (2019). State regulation of activities of electronic trust services provider of as a party to legal relations in the field of electronic identification. Administrative Law and Process, (2(21), 42-51.
Special administrative law