Major challenges of administrative and legal regulation in e-commerce

  • Artur Shabliienko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: Internet, electronic document, electronic document management, digital signature, e-commerce, e-business


The article is devoted to the key issues related to administrative regulation of electronic commerce. We investigate the position of international organizations on this issue and their recommendations. Analyze the basic problem aspects of electronic commerce regulation in Ukraine.

The growing awareness of the international community phenomenon of the Internet and e-commerce in the global economy led to the fact that the basic elements of ecommerce (taxation, protection of the private information and consumer interests, legal environment, trade aspects, etc.) were the subject of careful and constant interest of many specialized international organizations. This article examines the positions of international organizations on this issue and their recommendations. Also by analyzing the positions of various international organizations we describe the problems which Ukraine faces in this matter, and gives solutions.


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The commercial use of interchange agreements for electronic data interchange, UN/ECE Recommendation № 26, TRADE/WP.4/R/1133/Rev. 1, 23 June 1995 [Electronic resource]. – Access : tradewelcome/areas-of-work/un-centre-for-trade-facilitation-and-e-business-uncefact/ outputs/standards/unedifact/tradeedifactrules/part-2-uniform -rules-ofconduct-for-interchange-of-trade-data-byteletransmission-uncid/part-2-uncid-chapter-4-interchange-agreement.html.

Intellectual property on the Internet: a survey of issues, December 2002, The World Intellectual Property Organization [Electronic resource]. – Access :
How to Cite
Shabliienko, A. (2019). Major challenges of administrative and legal regulation in e-commerce. Administrative Law and Process, (4(10), 53-61. Retrieved from
Special administrative law