Substantial damage caused through illegal hunting and fishing, animal and other water using: comparative analysis
The measures of protection should be made more active and effective, scientifically proven. There should be put emphasize on sustainable usage and restoration of wildlife because of the interests of present and future generations in Ukraine. In addition, the participation of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens is essential. Environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, environmental safety of human life form essential conditions for sustainable economic and social development of any country.
Wildlife is a component of the environment, national wealth of Ukraine, a source of spiritual and aesthetic enrichment and education of people, the object of research and an important base for obtaining industrial and medicinal plants, food and other material goods. Therefore fauna subject to state protection and management of the territory of Ukraine.
The proposed article uses as the example a modern judicial practice in Ukraine and takes into account current legislation of Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation. We present a comparative analysis of criminal and legal application and role in the struggle against poaching of such aggravating circumstance as a "substantial damage" at illegal hunting and fishing.
As to the criminal law definitions of "substantial harm" in the illegal hunting and fishing in the Ukraine, the analysis of current legislation and judicial practice shows that in Ukraine there is no systematic approach to it. If illegal fishing is due to the lack of appropriate regulations at all. Almost a similar situation is emerging in illegal hunting.
Also stay unsettled the question about the object who has caused this damage: the state, local governments, State Forestry Agency, State Water Agency, State Fish Agency etc. This largely affects the determination of the damage in each case. Size substantial damage must be defined to the extent that is contributed to the effective fight against poaching and at the same time was not too understated or overstated.
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