Traditional Ukrainian model of administrative and legal status of state executive service - advantages and disadvantages

  • Petro Makushev Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University
Keywords: administrative and legal status, enforcement, the traditional model of executive service, the State Executive Service, state executive, enforcement of the judgment


The generalization of the historical experience of formation and development institute of enforcement, to identify its positive and negative traits, systematization of theoretical and methodological, organizational and legal framework in the science of public administration is insufficient, and therefore requires a detailed study on the optimization of modern executive proceedings. The priority direction of state building is a scientific comparative legal research that has led to the study of institutions of judgment enforcement in individual countries. This approach will promote general improvement to management of executive service and the development of clearly defined recommendations for improving the current legislation of Ukraine. The thesis has proposed one.

The State Executive Service is a specific part of the state, which makes enforcement decisions, ensure protection of human rights and citizen, provides social benefit activities, which should be read as an intellectual, and aimed at an objective exercise of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests both human and society. The specificity of exercising the powers by public authorities is that they act in the subsystem of public law (constitutional, administrative law) for which imperative method - the legal subordination – is natural. On the one hand, the question of competence of state bodies and officials, who have the powers to unilaterally publication of individual orders that determines rights and duties of subordinate and accountable persons; on the other hand - the question of passive personality of subordinate and accountable people, their duties and responsibilities. Will of subordinates is not defining for an issued individual act. The State Executive Service restores the violated rights and freedoms. It should provide inevitability of property and other legal liability of unscrupulous debtors in civil and economic circulation.


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How to Cite
Makushev, P. (2019). Traditional Ukrainian model of administrative and legal status of state executive service - advantages and disadvantages. Administrative Law and Process, (1(11), 18-25. Retrieved from