The effectiveness of conciliation institute in administrative proceedings: ways to improve
The main objective of this article is examination of conciliation in dealing with administrative dispute. We give a general description of the concept and features of conciliation in administrative proceeding. It also listed the rules of procedural law governing conciliation procedure when settling administrative disputes. Special attention is given to research the concept of the subject of power. One of the main issues of this article due to the fact that the settlement parties should not conflict with the public interest. An important focus in this article is devoted to analysis of jurisprudence on the application of the institute conciliation in resolving an administrative dispute.
The article mentions the compromise agreement on conciliation, because in the absence of mutual concessions will take place no reconciliation, and the rejection of the claim by the plaintiff or the defendant claim recognition and reconciliation is possible only when each side is inferior to their interest to settle the dispute. The paper also describes the important role of the judge during the conciliation process in an administrative dispute resolved. The essence of judicial control as a means of ensuring the legality during the conciliation and agreement on reconciliation has been established.
The article describes the experience of an international institute of conciliation and analyzed the recommendations of the Council of Europe in the field of administrative justice and administrative law. We investigate the possibility of applying a new model significantly subinstituta “conciliation” — court settlement of the dispute by a judge. The essence of this procedure, it advantages and problematic issues that may arise. Makes suggestions for changes and additions to the procedural law of Ukraine.
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