Renewal of the essence & role of administrative law principles of Ukraine

  • Alla Pukhtetska Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: principles of administrative law, administrative law, principles of good administration, state governance, Soviet administrative law, state building


This article provides conceptual proposals as to renewal of the essence of administrative law principles in Ukraine, criticizes the widely-spread approach in the domestic administrative legal doctrine to understanding the essence of administrative law principles in the context of Soviet administrative tradition, defining principles of administrative law as equal with principles of state governance, the main attention`s been stressed on the necessity to define separate principles of administrative law, taking into account principles of good administration, having significant impact of development of modern administrative legislation in EU countries, providing due hearing &judicial review of administrative action.


Prava hromadian u sferi vykonavchoi vlady: administratyvno-pravove zabezpechennia realizatsii ta zakhystu / Za zah. red. V. B. Aver’ianova. — K., Naukova dumka, 2007. — 586 s.

Pukhtetska A. A. Yevropeiski pryntsypy administratyvnoho prava: Monohrafiia / Za zah. red. V. B. Aver’ianova. — K., 2012. — 240 s.
How to Cite
Pukhtetska, A. (2019). Renewal of the essence & role of administrative law principles of Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (1(15), 23-28. Retrieved from
General administrative law