The Content of Court Decisions in Administrative Legal Proceedings of Ukraine

  • Volodymyr Hradovyi Court of Appeal of Chernivtsi region
Keywords: court decision, decree, decision, introductory, descriptive parts, statement of reasons, resolution part of court’s judgment


The article reveals and characterizes the content of court decisions in administrative legal proceedings of Ukraine, embodied in the form of court decree or decision, and consists of introduction, description, statement of reasons and findings.The author offers to bring changes to the existing legislation of Ukraine in order to improve it’s practical part.

Relevance, timeliness and appropriateness of studies in this field are conditioned by the renewal of procedural law and new general approaches to understanding of the law, the state and the role of administrative court in the state that dominated in science in its different periods and now require certain corrections, including those to be introduced to scientific approaches to court’s judgment as one of the most important acts of judicial power.

It is noted that the court’s judgment on the merits of a dispute is uttered in the form of decree while the same by which the court stops proceedings or decides as to the other procedural actions takes the form of decision. Author came to conclusion that the legally established content of court’s decree or decision is ultimately complete.

Particularly, it is acknowledged that the decree’s introductory part includes every common fact that allows for establishing as follows: the name of the court where the administrative case was heard, the name of judge who considered the case, full names of all participants to the case, third persons or their representatives, and the subject of dispute; the descriptive part covers brief content of the cause of action, the circumstances referred to by the claimant in support of his rightness, and explanations given by other participants to the case; administrative court decree’s statement of reasons contains the analysis of facts of the case, the parties’ evidence and the evidence recognized by the court as legal and admissible with court’s evaluation of evidential effect and references to legal framework; the decree’s resolution part precisely and imperatively states the court’s conclusion as to administrative claim (claim's satisfaction or dismissal), apportionment of court costs between the process parties, regulations as to decree’s coming into legal force and terms for appealing against it.


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How to Cite
Hradovyi, V. (2019). The Content of Court Decisions in Administrative Legal Proceedings of Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (1(7), 157-165. Retrieved from
The general part of the administrative process