Development of the principles of openness and transparency in European legal doctrine

  • Yana Rohoza Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: principles, openness, transparency, public administration, differentiation, requirements, regulation


The article deals with analysis of the principles of openness and transparency in public administration. The evolution of these principles in European doctrinal tradition is analyzed. Development of the principles of openness and transparency in the constitutional and legislative context are reviewed.

The wide and narrow concepts of openness are examined. Different defi nitions of the categories «openness» and «transparency» are proposed. The scientifi c approaches by foreign scientists are divided into two groups considering the substantive and procedural aspects of openness and transparency.

The article also provides different forms of normative regulation regarding these principles. The differentiation between the requirements of openness and transparency are formed.

The suggestions as to the forms and methods concerning administrative legal regulation of the defi ned principles in the national doctrine are made. It is justifi ed that adoption of the Ukrainian Code of Good Administration and the Administrative Procedure Code would improve the implementation of the principles of openness and transparency in public administration in both Ukrainian legislation system and national legal doctrine.


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How to Cite
Rohoza, Y. (2019). Development of the principles of openness and transparency in European legal doctrine. Administrative Law and Process, (4(14), 25-34. Retrieved from
General administrative law