Problems of the perception of the category of «State Affairs Management»

  • Valerii Holovko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: public affairs, state affairs, state affairs management, management of public affairs, state administration


This article is devoted to clarifying the essence of the category of «state affairs management». Based on the analysis of scientific sources the author has distinguished two basic concepts of the perception of the notion of «state affairs management»: «identification» and «systemic and structural». The study of scientific points of view formed within these concepts allowed the author to establish that the representatives of the concept of identification determined state affairs management as a synonym for the term «state management», one of its analogues was also called the category of «management of public affairs». The author proves the impracticality of using the concept of identification because of the huge number of shortcomings and inaccuracies, as well as discrepancy to legal realities of the sphere of public administration. The system and structural concept has been studied in the paper in details, and to the author’s opinion it is deprived the shortcomings of the identification concept. While its studying the author formulates the concepts of «state affairs», «public affairs», «state affairs management», «management of public affairs» and conducts correlation between them as the categories, indicating uneven legal processes and phenomena. Separately, the author has considered the issue of delimitation of the categories of «state affairs management» and «state administration»; the author has provided their correlation as a whole and its parts.


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How to Cite
Holovko, V. (2019). Problems of the perception of the category of «State Affairs Management». Administrative Law and Process, (1(15), 49-58. Retrieved from
General administrative law