Organizational provision of legal status of the internally displaced persons in Ukraine

  • Kateryna Krakhmalova V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: administrative-legal status of the person, legal status of the person, internally displaced persons, organizational provision of legal status


This article focuses on organizational provision of the legal status of internally displaced persons iin Ukraine, defined as a system of bodies, taking within their powers measures and actions directed at creation of conditions for implementation of the rights, freedoms and guarantees for the internally displaced persons, which take into account conditions of their forced internal displacement and their needs.

To such bodies, in particular, belongs the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as the higher body of the executive power; the central bodies of executive power, such as the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Ministries of Health and Education and Science of Ukraine, State Migration Service and State Service for Emergencies; Ministries of Justice, Finance and Foreign Affairs, the Pension Fund of Ukraine; and local authorities, such as local state administrations and local self-governmental bodies, which have delegated powers. The system of organizational provision for the status of internally displaced persons of Ukraine, as at is currently set in the Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons» does not include the newly-created Ministry on Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, which in order to be fully operational lacks stuff (as of 17 June 2016 there were only 4 people working in the Ministry, which is supposed to care for almost 1,8 of the internally displaced in Ukraine).

There is also disbalance and lack of uniform procedures for realization of certain rights and freedoms of the internally displaced persons among different bodies, caused in part also by by-laws not corresponding to the laws. As illustration of such problem may serve situation with cessation of the social payments and pensions for the internally displaced persons at the initiative of the Security Service of Ukraine and Ministry of Social Policy «stopping» their certificates confirming the displaced status. Several different executive bodies in this situation failed to provide clear and unified explanation about the ways to «renew» the validity of the certificates, thus leaving the internally displaced people in even more difficult socio-economical situation.


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How to Cite
Krakhmalova, K. (2019). Organizational provision of legal status of the internally displaced persons in Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (2(16), 13-20. Retrieved from
General administrative law