General information
Administrative Law and Process is a professional edition established in the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2012.
Certificate of state registration: КV18863-7663 R dated 28.04.2012.
ISSN: 2227-796X (Print), ISSN: 2617-8354 (Online).
The journal “Administrative Law and Process” has been included into the list of scientific professional editions, which allows to publish the results of dissertations and research of applicants for obtaining degrees in juridical disciplines (The Order of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine dated November 21, 2013 No 1609).
The journal is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (Warsaw, the Republic of Poland), Citefactor (the USA).
According to sub-paragraph 2.1, 2.2 of the Order of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Ukraine “On Publication of the Results of Dissertations for Obtaining the Degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences” dated October 17, 2012 No 1112, the articles published in the journal are treated similarely to publicftions in foreign scientific periodicals in a specialty, dissertation is devoted to.
Languages of edition: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish.
The journal is published four times a year.
Circulation sphere: nationwide.
Editor-in-chief of the journal is Hrytsenko Ivan Serhiiovych – Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Dean of Faculty of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.