Trends of the development of administrative law in Ukraine in the light of processes of globalization and European integration

  • Yuliia Vashchenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: Administrative Law, European integration, globalization, constitutionalization, Human Rights


European integration and globalization processes determine new challenges and opportunities in different areas of life of state and society. Modern problems of administrative legal relations require brand-new solutions. Administrative Law is traditionally considered as a field of law closely connected with the nation state and thus it much depends on national peculiarities of a certain state. Such peculiarities are primarily determined by the constitution, in particular, refer to the state mechanism in general and organization of the public administration system as a part, administrative procedures, types and forms of external oversight of public administration’s activity etc. Therefore, the scope of Administrative Law is not the same in different countries. At the same time, the processes of integration and globalization that are currently in place in the world generate tasks in the field of Administrative Law regulation that are common for many countries. In particular, it applies to the human rights protection in the sphere of public governance, principles of good governance, Administrative Law framework for economic regulation, e-governance etc. The scholars in different countries are looking for the best solutions for the problems mentioned above. Therefore the comparative Administrative Law becomes more and more popular field of research.

This article devoted to the review of the modern trends in the development of Administrative Law in Ukraine in frames of European integration and globalization.

It is concluded that Administrative Law of Ukraine, as well as Administrative Law in many other states, is a dynamic, permanently developing system. The processes of the European integration and globalization lead to the transformations in Administrative Law. Development of Administrative Law in Ukraine (as a field of legislation, a field of law, and legal science) is conducting in line with latest Administrative Law trends in Europe and the world. In particular, constitutionalization, internalization, economic regulation, technocratization, e-governance, a third party government, self-regulation, interdisciplinary approach are among them.


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How to Cite
Vashchenko, Y. (2019). Trends of the development of administrative law in Ukraine in the light of processes of globalization and European integration. Administrative Law and Process, (4(18), 4-15. Retrieved from
General administrative law