Features of the legal status of the National Depository of Ukraine and the Settlement Center on servicing contracts in financial markets

  • V. V. Melnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: National Depository of Ukraine, the Settlement Center on servicing contracts in financial markets, depository activity, clearing, a natural monopoly


The article is dedicated to the study of features of the National Depository of Ukraine and the Settlement Center on servicing contracts in financial markets, which describe their legal status.

The depository system model in Ukraine provides two central institutions and accordingly two different systems of the securities’ accounting. National Bank of Ukraine’s Depository performs the functions of safekeeping and settlement of the government/municipal bonds.

The National Depository of Ukraine performs the functions of the central depository for corporate securities; keeps records of all eligible securities except for securities, records of which are kept by the National Bank of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, V. V. (2018). Features of the legal status of the National Depository of Ukraine and the Settlement Center on servicing contracts in financial markets. Administrative Law and Process, (1(19), 93-102. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/75
Special administrative law