Interpretation of the Institute of Police Activity

  • O. O. Kosytsia Sumy State University
Keywords: police, reform of law-enforcement, policing, subjects of policing, the Police Code, the financial police


The article describes scientific approaches to policing, the structure of the police. Author outlined scientific views of scientists in XIX–ХХ centuries and modern researchers, whose subject of investigation is police law and its basic categories. Proved that the establishment of an effective system to combat offenses in all areas, protection of rights and freedoms may result in the development and implementation of a unified concept of improving the administrative and legal framework for creation and functioning of policing. The analysis revealed that the terms of policing and police authorities in the national legislation are not used at all, quite often found in scientific and journalistic literature. Identification is controversial to some scholars concepts Police (police authorities) and law-enforcement agencies and their competencies, objectives, structure. The difference from the enforcement policing is a subject composition. Special attention is paid to the creation of the financial investigations, instead of the tax police, the analysis of legislative initiatives. Optimization of the police, to avoid the intersection and overlapping can be achieved through the consol idation of authority, accountability, objectives and functions of different police services and other agencies performing police functions at a single codified act – Police Code, which should regulate in detail the organizational legal status, objectives, principles, structure, functions, powers (with direct links to the criminal procedure law and the law on administrative coincidences) and information security principles of collaboration, ethics and responsibility, disciplinary status. But, above all, should take into account scientific approaches to policing, its subjects and the optimal structure of the police in Ukraine. The author offers own approach to defining the structure of police in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kosytsia, O. O. (2018). Interpretation of the Institute of Police Activity. Administrative Law and Process, (1(19), 74-82. Retrieved from
Special administrative law