Institutionalization of animal protection police (animal police) as a rising European administrative and legal trend

  • O. S. Pronevych Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: animal protection police (animal police), animal abuse, anima lprotect activity, legislation on the protection of animals


The article describes a reflection of doctrinal and institutional and legal principles of animal protection police creation (animal police) articulated by some European countries. It focuses on the ways of improvinп national legislation and finding new possibilities to upgrade existing national mechanism for preventing and combating abuse of animals by strengthening the institutional capacity of authorized public authorities and setting up the partnership between all the involved entities.

A complex analysis of the European discourse and national practice gives the reasons to single out several models of animal police institutionalization. Among them: "Dutch national standard", which allows to create a special profile department as a part of national police; "Norwegian model of regions", which involves the implementation of a pilot project within a particular area to establish a profile management department; "TelAviv local police model", based on handy service such as TelAviv special police unit, "Polish complex model of problem-solving in the field of animal protection”, coordinated by the National Police and other entities", which provides a nationwide animal protection hierarchical police network, setting up an effective interaction among different entities, the implementation of large-scalesocial projects, etc.


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How to Cite
Pronevych, O. S. (2018). Institutionalization of animal protection police (animal police) as a rising European administrative and legal trend. Administrative Law and Process, (1(19), 64-73. Retrieved from
Special administrative law