• Jurabek Nematov Tashkent State University of Law
Keywords: Soviet style administrative justice, administrative litigation, administrative procedure, legal education, the Strategy Action 2017–2021, administrative courts, jurisdiction, case study, textual positivism, judge-made law


Judicial protection against individual and normative acts of the public administration continues to be problematic in Uzbekistan. One central reason for this mischief is the continuing prevalence of Soviet-style ideas and patterns in legal thinking as well as the legal practice. This article describes the problems of jurisdictions face when trying to overcome their Soviet heritage by developing legal protection in administrative matters, and analyses the strategies for the improvement of this situation. Key factors are a comprehensive and harmonised development of administrative procedure and administrative litigation in the field of legislation, and what might be termed a “constitutionalisation” of legal thinking, theory and teaching – i.e. the respect for values enshrined in Constitution such as the rule of law and access to judicial protection against the public administration – in the field of legal science. Uzbekistan is a good example how foreign partners and donors of international legal assistance can help strengthen these factors.

This paper explores (1) to what extent Soviet thinking on judicial review over administrative acts has been set aside or to what extent is it still alive in today’s Uzbekistan, and (2) what are the transformation points of judicial review. Overall, I argue that Soviet thinking on judicial review over administrative acts has big change in legislation level under new regime of Uzbekistan, however legal reforms are not still accepted by legal practice, doctrine and legal education.

To analyse these statements, the first step is to describe the main characteristics and legal reforms on judicial review over administrative acts taken in Soviet period (part II). Part III and IV analyses the current legal system and judicial practise of Uzbekistan. Lastly, I map out recent steps taken to introduce some reforms in the field of judicial review over administrative acts in Uzbekistan (part V).

Author Biography

Jurabek Nematov, Tashkent State University of Law

Doctor of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor at the Department of State law and governance


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Foreign administrative law and process