Сontrol as a Means of Ensuring the Rule of Law in Health Care

  • Oksana Strelchenko Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs
Keywords: control as a means of law enforcement, system of state control in health care, drug control, monitoring of medicines, sanitary and epidemiological supervision


The article reveals the essence of control as a means of ensuring the rule of law in health care. Three key objects of control and supervision in health care are being described: drug control, monitoring of medicines, sanitary and epidemiological supervision.


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How to Cite
Strelchenko, O. (2019). Сontrol as a Means of Ensuring the Rule of Law in Health Care. Administrative Law and Process, (2(2), 66-72. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/618
Special administrative law