Theoretical generalization for understanding the essence of the concept of «administrative jurisdiction»

  • Oleh Chernobai Kovpakivsky District Court of Sumy
Keywords: jurisdiction, jurisdictional activity, administrative jurisdiction, nature, concept


This article examines the nature and meaning of the term «administrative jurisdiction». Analyzed various scientific position on the definition of the term «administrative jurisdiction». Based on the analysis identified the following characteristics of administrative jurisdiction: 1) is part of the operational and administrative activities of the relevant state authorities; 2) the reason is the existence of the offense (legal conflict); 3) administrative jurisdiction is state-powerful character, as one of the participants in these legal acts necessary public authority, and therefore the relations arising wearing state-powerful character; 4) disputes relating to the administrative jurisdiction exercised exclusively by authorized government agencies and the court; 5) the existence of legal regulated procedural forms of exercise administrative jurisdiction; 6) parties involved in the process of conflict resolution; 7) instance appeal actions, omissions and decisions of which are endowed with administrative jurisdiction; 8) individuality review of every legal dispute; 9) consideration of the legal dispute ends up taking the appropriate procedural decision that resolve the specific question on the merits of the conflict; 10) application of state coercion that are necessary to perform the above decision in its entirety.

The author concluded that the administrative jurisdiction – is an activity to review administrative public disputes and resolving cases on administrative violations carried out by authorized state bodies and activities applicable to the perpetrators of coercive measures. Thus, the administrative jurisdictional activity is very important for the whole system of governance as it seeks to ensure adequate protection and fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protection of public relations, consisting of public administration, strengthen the fight against crime, the largest variety that is an administrative offense.


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How to Cite
Chernobai, O. (2019). Theoretical generalization for understanding the essence of the concept of «administrative jurisdiction». Administrative Law and Process, (2(4), 61-67. Retrieved from
General administrative law