Rationalization Solutions that Support the Activities of Services in the Case of Emergency. Register of Actions Carried Out at the Headquarters

  • Mariusz Nepelski Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Porządku Publicznego Wydziału Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie
Keywords: simulation, trainer, positioning, management, security


The knowledge of the current positions of enemy forces was always an important factor in the decision making process. Nowadays a large part of the intelligence service rests on a remote data transmission. Created computer applications together with GPS systems allow almost perfect positioning. The application of this knowledge for the prediction of events, particularly of disadvantageous events, is the goal of many military organizations, as well as emergency services. The article analyzes the application, which combines the knowledge of the current positions of own forces and the forces of the enemy in the field of action with the ability of experts to make forecasts, which are important for effective decision making process.


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Zasoby RDS zbudowanego w ramach projektu rozwojowego «Symulator Działań Policji w sytuacjach kryzysowych» NR 00004107.
How to Cite
Nepelski, M. (2019). Rationalization Solutions that Support the Activities of Services in the Case of Emergency. Register of Actions Carried Out at the Headquarters. Administrative Law and Process, (4(6), 231-239. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/520