Legal and Procedural Aspects of Police Cooperation with the Law Enforcement Agencies in the Republic of Poland

  • Mariusz Nepelski Wyższej Szkoły Policji w Szczytnie
Keywords: process, cooperation, security, criminal proceedings, administrative proceedings


State law defines the so-called powers of the adopted laws within limits of law. Bearing in mind the experience of the law enforcement, one might venture to say that it happens when rules in force foresee some kind of errors from the very beginning of their adoption. Its verification takes place via confrontation of the legal regulations with the realities of its application. The analysis of the cooperation of police, courts and prosecutor's office in the frameworks of the preliminary proceedings, judicial or administrative actions in the Republic of Poland, discloses all the positive and negative aspects of their activity. Thus this article examines legal and procedural aspects of the cooperation between the police and the law enforcement agencies in the Republic of Poland


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How to Cite
Nepelski, M. (2019). Legal and Procedural Aspects of Police Cooperation with the Law Enforcement Agencies in the Republic of Poland. Administrative Law and Process, (1(7), 276-284. Retrieved from