The category of «gathering», and its appropriate interpretation as one of the backgrounds for realization of the right to peaceful gathering

  • Roman Melnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: gathering, law on peaceful gatherings, participants of the gathering, goal of the gathering, duration of the gathering, place of the gathering


The article is devoted to the analysis of the category of «gathering». The author proves that a true understanding of the category of «gathering» is an important background for realization of the right to peaceful gathering by the citizens. The following characteristics of the gathering are considered in the article: the possible minimum quantity of participants on the gathering, goal and intention of the gathering, range of participants and level of their self-organization, place and duration of the gathering


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How to Cite
Melnyk, R. (2019). The category of «gathering», and its appropriate interpretation as one of the backgrounds for realization of the right to peaceful gathering. Administrative Law and Process, (1(7), 140-147. Retrieved from
Special administrative law