Administrative contract as an important form of public administration

  • Maryna Mikhrovska Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: administrative contract, delegated authority, agreement, public authority, public administration, attributes of an administrative contract, administrative legal personality, public interest


The article is devoted to the problems of determining the nature, attributes and kinds of administrative contracts in a context of improvement of legal forms of the public administration in Ukraine. The author provides an analysis of the administrative doctrine in this sphere, the definition of an administrative contract of the Administrative Procedure Code of Ukraine. In the article it is specified a definition of administrative contract, given the analysis of its content and characteristic features, analysed criteria of classification of administrative contracts.

Special attention is paid to such kind of administrative contracts as a contract of delegation of authority, because its nature has not been investigated enough in the Ukrainian administrative law. It’s important to underline, that existence of such kind of administrative contracts is not only very perspective in the context of administrative and territorial reform, but also very important from the point of view of prevention of competence conflicts.

Special features that help to mark off administrative contracts from administrative acts are defined. The main of them, in author’s opinion, is the lack of subordination between subject and free exercise of will. Among other important features are: one of the subjects thereto must be a public authority; the administrative judicial authorities must have jurisdiction to look into such contracts; it must be related to a public service; it must be taken into consideration, first of all, public interest etc. There have been determined perspective ways of further legislative fixing, improvement of doctrinal regulation of attributes, kinds of administrative contracts, its classifications and perspective directions of application of these contracts in public administration.


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How to Cite
Mikhrovska, M. (2019). Administrative contract as an important form of public administration. Administrative Law and Process, (2(8), 102-108. Retrieved from
General administrative law