International system of human rights defense for addressing to the public administration: some particular components

  • Nina Kamenska Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: human rights, protection of rights, appeal, public administration, individual appeals to the international institutions, international protection of the right for appealing to the public administration


In the article there are studied the features of the components of the international system of human rights protection about the appeal to the public administration. It was illustrated the potential effectiveness of this legal phenomenon and was proved the need for direct fastening of the rights of appealing to the public administration in separate international agreements (participant of which is Ukraine itself). There was suggested the range of activities for popularizing of individual appeals to the international institutions, as an accessible, reliable tool to protect rights and freedom


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How to Cite
Kamenska, N. (2019). International system of human rights defense for addressing to the public administration: some particular components. Administrative Law and Process, (2(8), 95-101. Retrieved from
General administrative law