Right’s status of the parliamentary opposition in Ukraine today: problems and prospects

  • Olha Sovhyria Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: Parliament, the parliamentary minority parliamentary opposition


The article highlights the urgent problems of legal regulation of the political structure of Parliament. We investigate the question of institutionalization status of the parliamentary opposition; analyze problematic aspects of the constitutional and legal status of this entity.

It is noted that the relevant question was to research the constitutional and legal status of the coalition (majority) in Ukraine, as well as the feasibility and problems of legal regulation of the status of the rest of the Parliament - parliamentary opposition. Primarily in the context of this issue questions regarding the appropriateness of the legal regulation of the status of the parliamentary opposition require clarification. Given that Ukraine has a parliamentary majority status and is governed by the Basic Law, symmetric legislative regulation needs and status of the parliamentary opposition. However, direct institutionalization parliamentary opposition seems inappropriate due to the fact that, as shown above, this approach is generally irresponsive to foreign countries where the model regulation status of the parliamentary opposition is based primarily on the formula whereby the opposition in guided by the rules of the Basic Law, which determines the general principles of political activity and the status of the parliamentary minority.

Regarding the appropriateness of legal regulation of the status of the parliamentary opposition, then, from our point of view, such measure can be considered promising in the countries with no or undeveloped parliamentary traditions. Therefore, the question arises as to the form of legal regulation of the status of the parliamentary opposition. There may be a law dedicated to the status of political opposition as a whole or only the status of the parliamentary opposition or the status of this subject may be regulated by the law on the regulation of Parliament.

In our view, the type of law is irrelevant in this issue, because the procedure of its adoption is identical. However, the position of the complexity of the legislative and preventing collisions between the provisions of the regulations, we believe it is appropriate to regulate the status of political opposition in Ukraine at the level of law rules of Parliament.


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How to Cite
Sovhyria, O. (2019). Right’s status of the parliamentary opposition in Ukraine today: problems and prospects. Administrative Law and Process, (2(8), 13-21. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/417