The Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the Legal System of the Continental Law as a Source of the Administrative Procedural Law

  • Natalia Zadyraka Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: European Court of Human Rights, legal precedent, sources of administrative procedural law, source of law, legal system


The author has defined the essence of the European Court of Human Rights decisions as the sources of the administrative procedural law. The concept and the legal description of this category are provided. The practical problems concerning the application of the European Court of Human Rights decisions by the administrative courts in the matters are provided in the paper and the solutions are described. The essence of the European Court of Human Rights decisions within the sources of administrative procedural law and the procedure of their implementation are revealed. The description of the legal nature of the European Court of Human Rights decisions and their place within the sources of administrative procedural law is given in the paper, the procedure for the applying of the latter for administrative courts is researched.

It is established that the European Court of Human Rights decisions on their legal nature are compelling precedent. However, it is strongly exaggerated that the European Court of Human Rights decisions are conditional precedents in nature: the European Court of Human Rights, indicating precedential nature of its practice, is not bound by its decisions.

Moreover, these sources do not always have a designated place in such a system due to the fact that the place of the act of justice to the sources of administrative procedural law has the established place of unlawful administrative and legal regulation that modifies or terminates (cancels, revokes) the rule of law. It is specified that the European Court of Human Rights has the right to review previously taken approaches to address specific issues due to the change of circumstances. Legal nature of the European Court of Human Rights decisions as the sources of administrative procedural law is different from the precedent (in the classical sense). In the system of continental law the relevant analogue is the so-called doctrine of jurisprudence constante.

Also, the corresponding established practice has conditional legal authority for a continental court and the judicial precedent is an undisputed source for a general court.

According to the given the above positions on the nature and the attributes of the European Court of Human Rights decisions, the legal nature of such decisions should be considered in the dynamic aspect of law enforcement and regulatory characteristics which inerpret the precepts of law.

The author points out that the European Court of Human Rights decisions, which have become final in accordance with the Art. 44 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention and the Protocols thereto, in all cases («Convention right»), they take place within the sources of administrative procedural law as a source of international obligations of Ukraine and a source of its national legislation, including the administrative procedure. The provisions of this Convention as an international treaty (the legal source) are in a close connection with an array of European Court of Human Rights case law.

It is formulated in the paper the position regarding the application of the European Court of Human Rights decisions by the administrative courts in cases. It is shown that in practice there are problems with the supplementation of the administrative courts by the translations of the European Court of Human Rights decisions and the unequal application of the relevant decisions by the courts. On the other hand, in regards to the need to take away the gaps and the collisions in the national legislation and improving the Ukrainian law enforcement administrative courts to the European level, the appropriateness of a reference to the European Court of Human Rights case law is clear.


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How to Cite
Zadyraka, N. (2019). The Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the Legal System of the Continental Law as a Source of the Administrative Procedural Law. Administrative Law and Process, 3(Ювілейний), 234-244. Retrieved from
The general part of the administrative process