On the essence and goal-orientation of the principles of administrative law

  • Alla Pukhtetska Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: principles of administrative law, branch of administrative law, institutes of administrative law, European administrative law, European administrative space, public administration, administrative acts


This article reveals development of the key aspects of the notion «principles of administrative law», their essence and goal-orientation, as well as of the proposals for further renewal of the system of administrative law principles. The main attention has been devoted to the necessity of doctrinal review of the Soviet and neo-Soviet approaches to declarative understanding of the discovered legal notion, development of actual issues for improvement and further research in the field with the aim to review domestic understanding of the system of administrative law principles, their goal-orientation, that must take into account essence of new institutes of administrative law – institute of administrative acts, administrative liability of public administration.

This article represents author’s approach to understanding of the system of administrative law principles both with respect to classical structure of the fundamental branch of law and its meta-systems, and discovering main groups within the system, shifting on the national level in respect to their legal system and administrative tradition.


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How to Cite
Pukhtetska, A. (2019). On the essence and goal-orientation of the principles of administrative law. Administrative Law and Process, 3(Ювілейний), 73-86. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/394