Conceptual framework of reforming the administrative and legal institution of state property management

  • Ivan Holosnichenko NAtional Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • Oleksii Kravchuk NAtional Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: state property management, state property, government policies, reforming of property


The basic principles of the scientific concept of administrative legal regulation of state property management reforming are formulated in the article. The necessary steps of administrative legal influence that will ensure improvement of quality of the relevant management activities, and ensure the achievement of its main goal – strengthening of state property and providing an adequate basis for the implementation of all tasks and functions of the state are defined. Conceptual bases of the reform of state property management are based on the recognition of problems at different levels of administrative legal regulation of this management that objectively require urgent solutions, especially with appropriate administrative legal influence.

There is an urgent necessity of state property management reforming. For the implementation of the reform it is needed to implement consistently these major groups of activities: definition for administrative and legal level core functions to improve the quality of state property management and the order of their implementation; create a modern administrative legal institution of state property; introduction and implementation of appropriate management activities in a consistent systematic approach; proper definition in the law of administrative legal status of state ownership and managerial bodies, proper organization and implementation of administrative and legal protection of state property. Implementation of the reform requires the consistent implementation of these major groups of activities: administrative legal definition of the core functions to improve the quality of state property management and the order of their implementation; create a modern administrative and legal institution of state property management; introduction and implementation of consistent systematic approach in state property management; proper legal definition of administrative legal status of state property subjects; proper organization and implementation of administrative legal protection of state property.


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How to Cite
Holosnichenko, I., & Kravchuk, O. (2019). Conceptual framework of reforming the administrative and legal institution of state property management. Administrative Law and Process, 3(Ювілейний), 19-28. Retrieved from