Administrative and public activity as one of the types of commanding public activity and category of administrative law

  • Andrii Aparov Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaydachniy
Keywords: administrative-public activity, administrative organ, public authority, organ of local self-government, public servant, justice, administrative legal relations


The article is dedicated to the approaches that existed in soviet administrative legal science, understanding of public administration and administrative activity, the author analyses the modern doctrines of administrative law concerning these concepts, determines the concept of commanding public activity in the state, classifies its types, characterizes the lines of administrative public activity. Introduction to the science of administrative law, in particular the category «administrative-public activity» reflects essence, forms and methods of the administrative legal regulation of public relations in the most full manner, as a basic category of this science is reasonable and appropriate.

The categories «executive power» and «state administration» can be also used in administrative legal science for more detailed description of separate parties of administratively-public activity. The category «public administration» is expedient to use for description of management, that comes true in the system of organs of public administration in relation to jurisdiction to them public institutions and other organizations, state property and financial resources management. The category «executive power» can be used for description of both internal, and outwardly imperious activity of the executive bodies plugged in accordance with established procedure in the system of executive bodies. At the same time these categories are not main and qualificatory in the science of administrative law. They come forward as derivatives from the category «administrative-public activity».


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How to Cite
Aparov, A. (2019). Administrative and public activity as one of the types of commanding public activity and category of administrative law. Administrative Law and Process, (4(10), 165-174. Retrieved from
Special administrative law