Рroduct as a storage object at goods warehouse

  • Iryna Parakuda Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: warehouse, storage of goods; object storage at the goods warehouse; commodity as object storage at goods warehouse; items that can be stored in the goods warehouse


The specificity of the commodity storage in warehouse resides in the following: (a) a particular subject; (b) a particular object; (c) the special nature of the formalization of the agreement. The article investigates the storage facility in the goods warehouse, which is a commodity. We have defined the concept of «goods» in a broad (as tangible or intangible property held for sale on the market) and narrow (as the product of labor, produced for exchange) sense. We have analysed the existing definition of the «goods» under the current legislation. It was found that the core of the concept of the «goods» forms of consumer and exchange value.

Products have been classified into types according to different criteria: (a) use value (capital goods, consumer goods and products, general purpose); (b) the terms of use (short-term use goods and consumer durables); Turnover on the criterion (available in turnover, limited in circulation and withdrawn from circulation).

It is proved that transferability of the goods (its ability to circulation, ie the transition from the property of one person to another (free or with certain restrictions)) is its essential feature. All products are subjects to the exchange (the scope of commodity-money relations), but not all of them are subjects to the sphere of circulation (not all products are judged by the criterion of Turnover). The object of the sphere of circulation is only a commodity that has the status of a property right object. The concept of product as an object of economic and trade activities is limited to the sphere of material production.

We have investigated the relation of the terms «goods» and «product», «products» that are often used in the current legislation. The latter refers to raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products used for production purposes. Conclusion: the goods appear from such labor product or benefit (“products”), which are not intended for their own consumption, is it should be a public good. Goods mean a product of labor or benefit aimed to satisfy the specific needs of the person and dedicated to the exchange (buying and selling).

The overall conclusion is as follows: the word «goods» in the context of storage is used by the legislator to emphasize: (a) special transferability of the things to be deposited in the warehouse; (b) the nature of the participation of the warehouse in the material turnover, which, in particular, can be expressed in the right to dispose the goods, if the latter condition is provided by the legal act and/or contract. The main trait of the specified type of storage mostly resides in the transferability of the stored objects.


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How to Cite
Parakuda, I. (2019). Рroduct as a storage object at goods warehouse. Administrative Law and Process, (2(12), 274-283. Retrieved from https://applaw.net/index.php/journal/article/view/262
Problems of modern law