The system, the essence and the role of administrative procedures in activities of regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

  • Ivan Naumov Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, administrative procedure, types, proceedings


This article is devoted to review of administrative procedures in activities of regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Here`ve been defined the notion, the essence and the role of administrative procedures in activities of regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Special attention`s been paid to importance of system approach to research of administrative procedures in such an activity. We`ve concluded, that it is necessary to raise a number and improve quality of legislation on administrative procedures & practive of their performance by regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, that would provide further grounds for introduction of civil society in the state.


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How to Cite
Naumov, I. (2019). The system, the essence and the role of administrative procedures in activities of regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (2(12), 112-117. Retrieved from
Special administrative law