Administrative and legal status of subjects of intellectual property protection system in Ukraine

  • Andrii Khridochkin Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University
Keywords: Public service intellectual property of Ukraine, State Enterprise «Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Property», State Enterprise «Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights», State Enterprise «Intelzahist»


The article 54 of the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees the citizens the right to freedom of literary, artistic, scientific and technical creativity. Protection of intellectual property, their copyrights, moral and material interests, that arises from various types of intellectual activity, depends on the modern state system of protection intellectual property rights. Its constituent elements are on the one hand, a set of legal acts in this field, and on the other, appropriately structured hierarchy of intellectual property rights protection. The experience of building such system in Ukraine and other countries convincingly demonstrates the complexity and dynamics of this process, due to the dynamism and complexity of the object of legal regulation, which is undoubtedly the relationship of intellectual property. The development of the state system of protection intellectual property rights is complexity and dynamics, so it leads to the activation of the definition of administrative and legal status of the subjects of the system.

The system of intellectual property protection, which is functioning in Ukraine, proves its rather high level. At the same time it is clear that it needs further improvement of administrative and legal status of the central authorities and the creation of regional and local bodies, which would provide the effective protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine. Subordination subjects of intellectual property protection to different ministries and departments due to range of tasks assigned to these institutions and within their competence standards legislation and constituent documents. The analysis of public bodies and institutions in the field of intellectual property provide grounds to conclude that the system is effective and in a state of perfection. In order to conduct more in-depth study of the prospects for improvement, administrative and legal status the subjects of intellectual property seems appropriate to give due attention to the subjects of the non-state sector.


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How to Cite
Khridochkin, A. (2019). Administrative and legal status of subjects of intellectual property protection system in Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (1(11), 179-186. Retrieved from
Special administrative law