Decentralization and centralization in the political power mechanism: introduction to the problem

  • Volodymyr Shatilo Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: centralization, decentralization, unitary structure, federal structure, political power mechanism


The article is devoted to the problem of relations between principles of centralization and decentralization within the mechanism of political power with unitary and federal types of national and territorial structure. Historically conditioned factors underlying principles of centralization and decentralization of political power and their further impact on political power development are analyzed. In the Ukrainian context the political power mechanism is supposed to secure the unity of political and power system and its inner sovereignty. It is shown that from the historic perspective decentralization process is dominant in the constitutional structure of Ukraine. The conclusion is made that an optimal form for combination of centralization and decentralization principles within the political power mechanism, once adopted, will secure effective and stable advancement towards the established constitutional state.


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How to Cite
Shatilo, V. (2019). Decentralization and centralization in the political power mechanism: introduction to the problem. Administrative Law and Process, (1(11), 41-47. Retrieved from